
عرض كامل الموضوع : In spite moments

23/10/2005, 15:29
It is a very sad time when try to go on on and on but when you look around you sees that you still in the beginning place of starting
You can't do a thing
You don’t have any reason to live
Your dieing is better than living
It is all sad nothing is good all the people around are always in a bad mod and you are the scapegoat
I can't spend my life underground listening to the people problems hoping that one day I will have someone to listen to me
I really hate all of them
They are all so selfish
I am better than them
I want to be free
I want to feel the freedom
But I don't want to be a freedom captive
I want to live my life in my way
Not by doing bad things but by doing the things I like
I want the people to leave me alone
I want to spend my life maybe listening to music
I don't care if people love me
I don't care if my family loves me
I don't care about a thing
Some people say that their lives are hardest than mine
But what do they know about my life if they never listened to me
Never knew if I was happy or sad angry or in a clear mod
They can know but they don't want to know
Some of them don't want to believe that someone have problems in his life more than they do so they won't have that priority any more
And the other thinks that their problems are more than enough to them so they can't carry any more

I can't spend my life this way
I'm sure that someone is waiting for me out their
Even if there is no one else
I will find myself

But what ever happened I promise I won't stay like this

27/10/2005, 02:55
Life is full of lots of ups and downns
never give up trying to find hope in something
and remember..
with a heart full of faith& love you can change the world

28/10/2005, 19:15
really i always hope that what you said is the whole truth but nothing make you feel that it
is more than words someone wrote to not kill himself

anyway thanx alot

31/10/2005, 19:20
Princess keep trying because one day some how you will find your self I am sure of that specially that you want it ..
I really wish you all the best …:D :D

01/11/2005, 19:08
thanx alot i hope you find it tooo

but in fact i can't beleive in that alot

01/11/2005, 19:13
thanx alot i hope you find it tooo

but in fact i can't beleive in that alot
As I said Angel you have nothing to lose so keep trying toll the end

01/11/2005, 19:26
Thanx for caring :D

Good luck:ok: