
عرض كامل الموضوع : مشروع مشترك " لغة إنكليزية + المكتبة " .

25/08/2008, 02:24
مرحبا ..

قسم المكتبة .. قاصد جماعة قسم اللغة الإنكليزية .. بخدمة
و " انشالله " هيك منردلكن ياها بالأفراح ..

الخدمة هي التالي :
بالمكتبة .. يوجد موضوع
جوائز نوبل للآداب

المشكلة .. انو هادا الموضوع المفروض نقوم بترجمته .. لأنه عديد من الكتاب .. وخاصة الحائزين على الجوائز بالسنوات الأولى .. لا يوجد أي شيء عن حياتهم باللغة العربية
ومن حيث أننا راغبين بإلقاء النور على حياتهم
سنقوم بترجمة حياة الكتاب الحائزين على جوائز نوبل للآدب تباعا ً ..

رح نزل .. حياة تلت كتاب .. باللغة الأنكليزية .. ( تلت كتاب تلت كتاب )
بتمنى حدا يتبرع ويترجم حياة الكاتب .. وينقلها كرد باللغة العربية إلى المكتبة ..
سنقوم بحزف الردود المترجمة .. وإدراج جديدة ..

شكرا مسبقا ً لكل من سيساهم معنا

25/08/2008, 02:28
Bjørnstjerne Martinus Bjørnson ////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -///////////////
Born: December 8, 1832
Kvikne, Norway Died: April 26, 1910
Occupation: Lyricist
Nationality: Norway
Bjørnstjerne Martinus Bjørnson (December 8, 1832–April 26, 1910) was a Norwegian writer and a 1903 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate. Bjørnson is generally considered as one of "The Great Four" Norwegian writers; the others being Henrik Ibsen, Jonas Lie, and Alexander Kielland. Amongst Norwegians, Bjørnson is celebrated for his lyrics to the National Anthem: Ja, vi elsker dette landet.
Bjørnson was born on December 8, 1832 at the farmstead of Bjørgen in Kvikne, a secluded village in the Østerdalen district, some sixty miles south of Trondheim. In 1837 Bjørnson's father, who was the pastor of Kvikne, was transferred to the parish of Nesset, outside Molde in Romsdal. It was in this scenic district that Bjørnson spent his childhood. After a few years studying in the neighbouring city Molde, Bjørnson was sent to Heltbergs Studentfabrikk in Christiania to prepare for University, at the age of 17. He had realised that he wanted to pursue his talent for poetry (he had written verses since age eleven). Bjørnson matriculated at the University of Oslo in 1852, soon embarking upon a career as a journalist, focusing on criticism of drama.
In 1857 he published Synnøve Solbakken, the first of Bjørnson's peasant novels; in 1858 this was followed by Arne, in 1860 by En glad Gut (A Happy Boy), and in 1868 by Fiskerjenten (The Fisher Maiden). These are the most important specimens of his bonde-fortellinger or peasant tales — a section of his literary work which has made a profound impression in his own country, and has made him popular throughout the world. Two of the tales, Arne and Synnøve Solbakken, offer perhaps finer examples of the pure peasant-story than are to be found elsewhere in literature.
Bjørnson was anxious "to create a new saga in the light of the peasant," as he put it, and he thought this should be done, not merely in prose fiction, but in national dramas or folke-stykker. The earliest of these was a one-act piece the scene of which is laid in the 12th century, Mellem Slagene (Between the Battles), written in 1855, but not produced until 1857. He was especially influenced at this time by the study of Baggesen and Oehlenschläger, during a visit to Copenhagen 1856—1857. Mellem Slagene was followed by Halte-Hulda (Lame Hulda) in 1858, and Kong Sverre (King Sverre) in 1861. All these efforts, however, were far excelled by the splendid trilogy of Sigurd Slembe (Sigurd the Bad), which Bjørnson published in 1862. This raised him to the front rank among the younger poets of Europe.
At the close of 1857 Bjørnson had been appointed director of the theatre at Bergen, a post which he held, with much journalistic work, for two years, when he returned to the capital. From 1860 to 1863 he travelled widely throughout Europe. Early in 1865 he undertook the management of the Christiania theatre, and brought out his popular comedy of De Nygifte (The Newly Married) and his romantic tragedy of Mary Stuart in Scotland. Although Bjørnson has introduced into his novels and plays songs of extraordinary beauty, he was never a very copious writer of verse; in 1870 he published his Poems and Songs and the epic cycle called Arnljot Gelline; the latter volume contains the magnificent ode called Bergliot, Bjørnson's finest contribution to lyrical poetry.
Between 1864 and 1874, in the very prime of life, Bjørnson displayed a slackening of the intellectual forces very remarkable in a man of his energy; he was indeed during these years mainly occupied with politics, and with his business as a theatrical manager. This was the period of Bjørnson's most fiery propaganda as a radical agitator. In 1871 he began to supplement his journalistic work in this direction by delivering lectures over the length and breadth of the northern countries. He possessed to a surprising degree the arts of the orator, combined "with a magnificent physical prestige".
From 1874 to 1876 Bjørnson was absent from Norway, and in the peace of voluntary exile he recovered his imaginative powers. His new departure as a dramatic author began with En fallit (A Bankruptcy) and Redaktøren (The Editor) in 1874, social dramas of an extremely modern and realistic cast.
The poet now settled on his estate of Aulestad in Gausdal. In 1877 he published another novel, Magnhild, an imperfect production, in which his ideas on social questions were seen to be in a state of fermentation, and gave expression to his republican sentiments in the polemical play called Kongen (The King), to a later edition of which he prefixed an essay on "Intellectual Freedom", in further explanation of his position. Kaptejn Mansana (Captain Mansana), an episode of the war of Italian independence, belongs to 1878.
Extremely anxious to obtain a full success on the stage, Bjørnson concentrated his powers on a drama of social life, Leonarda (1879), which raised a violent controversy. A satirical play, Det nye System (The New System), was produced a few weeks later. Although these plays of Bjørnson's second period were greatly discussed, none of them (except A Bankruptcy) pleased on the boards.
When once more he produced a social drama, En Handske (A Gauntlet), in 1883, he was unable to persuade any manager to stage it, except in a modified form, though this play gives the full measure of his power as a dramatist. In the autumn of the same year, Bjørnson published a mystical or symbolic drama Over Ævne (Beyond Powers), dealing with the abnormal features of religious excitement with extraordinary force; this was not acted until 1899, when it achieved a great success.
Meanwhile, Bjørnson's political opinions had brought upon him a charge of high treason, and he took refuge for a time in Germany, returning to Norway in 1882. Convinced that the theatre was practically closed to him, he turned back to the novel, and published in 1884, Det flager i Byen og paa Havnen (Flags are Flying in Town and Port), embodying his theories on heredity and education. In 1889 he printed another long and still more remarkable novel, Paa Guds veje (On God's Path), which is chiefly concerned with the same problems. The same year saw the publication of a comedy, Geografi og Kærlighed (Geography and Love), which met with success.
A number of short stories, of a more or less didactic character, dealing with startling points of emotional experience, were collected and published 1894. Later plays were a political tragedy called Paul Lange og Tora Parsberg (1898 , a second part of Over Ævne (Beyond Powers II) (1895), Laboremus (1901), På Storhove (At Storhove) (1902), and Daglannet (Dag's Farm) (1904). In 1899, at the opening of the National Theatre, Bjørnson received an ovation, and his saga-drama of Sigurd the Crusader was performed at the opening of Nationaltheatret in Oslo.
A subject which interested him greatly, and on which he occupied his indefatigable pen, was the question of the bondemaal, the adopting of a national language for Norway distinct from the dansk-norsk (Dano-Norwegian), in which most Norwegian literature had hitherto been written. Bjørnson's strong and sometimes rather narrow patriotism did not blind him to what he considered the fatal folly of such a proposal, and his lectures and pamphlets against the målstræv in its extreme form were very effective. Bjørnson was, from the beginning of the Dreyfus Affair, a staunch supporter of Alfred Dreyfus, and, according to a contemporary, wrote "article after article in the papers and proclaimed in every manner his belief in his innocence".
Bjørnson was one of the original members of the Nobel Committee, and was re-elected in 1900. In 1903 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Bjørnson had done as much as any other man to rouse Norwegian national feeling, but in 1903, on the verge of the rupture between Norway and Sweden, he preached conciliation and moderation to the Norwegians.
In 1905, as Norway was to decide its form of totally independent government, the previously staunch republican were convinced to promote monarchy, mainly because this meant stronger ties with Britain, Norway's most important trade partner and ally, but also because it would match the governments of Denmark and Sweden.
He died on the April 26, 1910 in Paris, where for some years he had always spent his winters, and was buried at home with every mark of honour and regret. The Norwegian warship Norge was sent to convey his remains back to his own land

من الممكن الاختصار منها .. لكن بإعطاء لمحة كافية عن الكاتب ..

25/08/2008, 02:30
Frédéric Mistral
Born: September 8, 1830
Died: March 25, 1914
Occupation: Poet
Nationality: France

Frédéric Mistral (September 8, 1830 - March 25, 1914) was a French poet who led the 19th century revival of Occitan (Provençal) language and literature. He was a key figure in the literary félibrige movement.
He shared the Nobel Prize in literature in 1904 for his contributions in literature and philology. Mistral's father was a well-to-do farmer in the former French province of Provence.
Born and died in Maillane, Bouches-du-Rhône département, France.
In his honour, the Chilean poet Lucila Godoy Alcayaga took the last name of her pseudonym, Gabriela Mistral.

25/08/2008, 02:32

José Echegaray y Eizaguirre
Born: April 19, 1832
Madrid, Spain
Died: September 4, 1916

Occupation: Dramatist and Mathematician
Nationality: Spain
José Echegaray y Eizaguirre
(April 19, 1832 – September 4, 1916). Born in Madrid, he was a Spanish civil engineer, mathematician, statesman, and the leading Spanish dramatist of the last quarter of the 19th century. Along with the Provençal poet Frédéric Mistral, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1904, making him the first Spaniard to win the prize. His most famous play is El gran galeoto, a drama written in the grand nineteenth century manner of melodrama. It is about the poisonous effect that unfounded gossip has on a middle-aged man's happiness. Echegaray filled it with elaborate stage instructions that illuminate what we would now consider a hammy style of acting popular in the nineteenth century. It was filmed as a silent by Paramount Pictures, with the title changed to The World and His Wife. His most remarkable plays: Saint or Madman? (O locura o santidad, 1877); Mariana (1892); El estigma, (1895); The calumny (La duda, 1898 ; El loco Dios, (1900).
The Echegaray street named after him in Madrid is famed for its Flamenco taverns.

The morning
31/08/2008, 18:23
up up, للتثبيت ..

31/08/2008, 20:12
اوكي .. انا رح بلش ..

انشالله بقدر خلصن ..

The morning
31/08/2008, 20:14
اوكي .. انا رح بلش ..

انشالله بقدر خلصن ..
لحظه لحظه لا تبلّش هدول في مين خلصهم و بعتهم عالخاص , رح بينزل جزء تاني قريبا بتقدر تبلّش بالجزء التاني بس ينزل ..

31/08/2008, 21:31
يحرء ست الحالة ..

طيب حكو ..
وانا راحو عيوني بالتحميص والتفحيص وهدول الشغلات


طيب تاني مرة .. بس قولولنا انو خلصو اوكي؟

The morning
31/08/2008, 21:50
لا تواخذنا بس انا متلي متلك ما كان الي خبر ..
عكل ٍ شكرا و رح بتنزل ترجمتهم بالقريب العاجل و ننتقل لغيرهم بركي ..
تحياتي و شكرا لاننا هيك يعني فدناك شوي بكم معلومه :p

10/09/2008, 00:06
الترجمة :
- النروج
Bjørnstjerne Martinus Bjørnson

كاتب نرويجي حاصل على جائزة نوبل التقديرية للآداب, كما يعتبر أحد أعظم أربع كتاب نرويجيين ..
كاتب النشيد الوطني النرويجي
ولد في الثامن من ديسمبر 1832 في مزرعة Bjørgen in Kvikneحيث أمضى طفولته في مجتمع ريفي .تم نقل والده الذي كان يعمل كقس في إلى أبرشية Nessetبعد بضع سنوات من الدراسة ذهب الكاتب لمدينة مجاورة لكي يتسنى له إعداد الدخول للجامعة في سن الـ 17 و في غضون ذلك أدرك الكاتب بأنه يجب أن يستمر في موهبته الشعرية حيث أنه بدأ بكتابة بعض المقاطع الشعرية و هو في سن الـ 11
عام 1852 تمّ قبوله في جامعة Christiania و سرعان ما بدأ العمل كصحفي مهتماً بالنقد الدرامي
عام 1857 نشر أول رواياته القرويةSynnøve Solbakken و تبعت بروايته الشهيرة Arne و عام 1960 نشرEn glad gut (A Happy Boy) و في 1868 نشر Fiskerjenten (The Fisher Maiden).
تلك الروايات كانت من أهم ما نشر عن أدب القصص الريفي التي تميزت بنماذج عديدة عن حكايا الفلاحين التي بدورها قدمت انطباعا عميقا و شعبية لرواياته من قبل الجمهور القارئ في النرويج و حول العالم
في نهاية 1857 تم تعيينه كمدير لمسرح فيBergen فأنجز الكثير من العمل الصحفي و هو في ذلك المنصب
في مقتبل 1865 أخذ الكاتب على عاتقه إدارة مسرح Christianiaحيث كتب كوميدياه المشهورةDe Nygifte (The Newly Married) و روايته Mary Stuart in Scotlandالتي أدخل فيهم بعض من الشعر الغنائي
1870 نشر بعض القصائد و الأغاني و ملحمته Arnljot Gelline
بين 1864 و 1874 أظهر الكاتب تراخي فكري ملحوظ لكنه كان عندئذ مشغولاًً أكثر بالسياسة و عملة كمدير مسرحي
1871 بدأ بتكملة عملة الصحفي في الاتجاه السياسي و المسرحي محاضراً في أغلب مناطق شمال بلاده
من 1874 إلى 1876 غاب الكاتب غياباً طوعياً عن النرويج,في تلك الفترة اكتشف مقدرته الإبداعية حيث كان أول ميوله ككاتب دراما متمثلاً بروايتهEn fallit (A Bankruptcy) و كذلك Redaktøren (The Editor) تميزت تلك الروايات بالطابع الاجتماعي الواقعي .
اتهم الكاتب بالخيانة العظمة جراء آراءه السياسية مما دفعه للجوء إلى ألمانيا لفترة و لكن ما لبث أن عاد عام 1882 و أنتج روايته
(Det flager i byen og paa havnen (Flags are Flying in Town and Port عام 1884 مجسداً فيها أفكارة و نظرياته عن الوراثة و التعليم.
1889 طبع روايته الشهيرة (Paa Guds veje (In God's Way التي ماتزال محط إعجاب
كان الكاتب واحد من أعضاء اللجنة الأصليين لجائزة نوبل حيث تم إعادة انتخابه عام 1900
توفي في 26 ابريل 1910 في باريس حيث أرسلت سفينة حربية لنقل رفاته إلى أرض الوطن.

مع الشكر للتقريرالجوال على ترجمة هذا المقطع

1904 - فرنسا
فريدريك ميسترال
ولد في 8 ايلول 1830
مات في 25 أذار 1914
شاعر فرنسي قاد بداية الحركة الشعرية في فرنسا .. تشارك جائزة نوبل للآداب
وتكريما له أخد الشعار التشيلي a Godoy Alcayaga اسمه الأخير وأضافه إلى أسمه المستعار " كابرييل ميسترال "

1904 - إسبانيا
خوسيه إتشيغاري


ولد في مدريد حيث كان مهندس مدني و علم رياضيات و رجل حكومة .. رائد المسرح الاسباني في القرن التاسع عشر .
حصل على نوبل للآداب مع الشاعر البروڤانسي "فردريك مسترال " عام 1904 و بذلك أصبح أول كاتب اسباني ينال جائزة نوبل .
أشهر مسرحياته هي El gran galeoto ميلودراما كُتبت في القرن التاسع عشر .. تدور أحداث المسرحية عن التأثيرات السامة " السيّئة " أو " السلبيّة " التي تأثر بها الثرثرة أو " القيل و القال " على سعادة الرجال الذين هم في منتصف العمر .. شغل الكاتب الرواية او المسرحية بتعاليم تفصيلية التي تلقي الضوء على ما نعتبره أو ندعوه الآن "Hammy Style " أو المبالغة في أداء الدور او التكلف يعني " التصنّع " في أداء الدور, ذلك النمط كان مألوف في القرن المنصرم.
تم تصوير هذه الرواية " نمط السينما الصامتة " بصور فائقة مع تغيير بعنوان المسرحية إلى " العالم و زوجته " ..
أبرز مسرحياته :
Saint or Madman? (O locura o santidad, 1877);
Mariana (1892);
El estigma, (1895);
The calumny (La duda, 1898 ;
El loco Dios, (1900)

شارع إتشيغاري في مدريد الذي سمّي بعد وفاته مشهور بحانات الفلامينكو .

الشكر للتقرير الجوال على الترجمة

10/09/2008, 00:13
تلت مقاطع جديدة بحاجة لترجمة

Henryk Adam Aleksander Pius Sienkiewicz (pronounced [ˈxɛnrɨk ˈadam alɛˈksandɛr ˈpʲus ɕɛnˈkʲevʲiʧ]; also known as "Litwos" [ˈlitfɔs]; May 5, 1846–November 15, 1916) was a Polish journalist and Nobel Prize-winning novelist. He was one of the most popular Polish writers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1905 for his "outstanding merits as an epic writer."
Born into a family with aristocratic origins in Wola Okrzejska, in Russian-ruled Poland/Lithuania, Sienkiewicz wrote historical novels set during the Rzeczpospolita (Polish Republic, or Commonwealth). His works were noted for their negative portrayal of the Teutonic Order in The Teutonic Knights (Krzyżacy), which was remarkable as a significant portion of his readership lived under German rule. Many of his novels were first serialized in newspapers, and even today are still in print. In Poland, he is best known for his historical novels "With Fire and Sword", "The Deluge", and "Fire in the Steppe" (The Trilogy) set during the 17th-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, while internationally he is best known for Quo Vadis, set in Nero's Rome. Quo Vadis has been filmed several times, most notably the 1951 version.
Sienkiewicz was meticulous in preserving the authenticity of historical language. In the trilogy, for instance, he had his characters use the Polish language as it was spoken in the seventeenth century. In Krzyżacy, which relates to the Battle of Grunwald in 1410, he even had his characters speak a variety of medieval Polish which he recreated by utilizing many of the archaic expressions then still common among the highlanders of Podhale.
Sienkiewicz married Maria Szetkiewicz (1854-1885) in 1881 and they had two children, Henryk (1882-1959) and Jadwiga.

Chief novels

The Trilogy (Trylogia), comprising:
With Fire and Sword (Ogniem i mieczem, 1884), which took place during the 17th century Cossack revolt known as the Chmielnicki Uprising; made into a movie with the same title;
The Deluge (Potop, 1886), describing the Swedish invasion of Poland known as The Deluge; made into a movie with the same title;
Fire in the Steppe (Pan Wołodyjowski, 1888), which took place during wars with the Ottoman Empire in the late 17th century; made into a film titled Colonel Wolodyjowski.
The Teutonic Knights, also translated as The Knights of the Cross, ISBN 0-7818-0433-7 (Krzyżacy, 1900, relating to the Battle of Grunwald); made into a movie with the same title in 1960 by Aleksander Ford.
Quo Vadis (1895).
In Desert and Wilderness (W pustyni i w puszczy, 1912).
The Polaniecki Family (Rodzina Połanieckich, 1894).
Without Dogma (Bez dogmatu, 1891).

10/09/2008, 00:15
Giosuè Carducci (pseudonym: Enotrio Romano) (July 27, 1835 – February 16, 1907) was an Italian poet, oft reckoned one of Italy's greatest; also, a teacher. He was very influential and was regarded as the unofficial national poet of modern Italy. In 1906 he became the first Italian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

e was born in Valdicastello, a small town in the northwest corner of Tuscany in Province of Lucca. His father, a doctor, was an advocate of the unification of Italy. Because of his politics, the family was forced to move several times during Carducci's childhood, eventually settling for a few years in Florence. From the time he was in college, he was fascinated with the restrained style of Greek and Roman antiquity, and his mature work reflects a restrained classical style, often using the classical meters of such Latin poets as Horace and Virgil. He translated Book 9 of Homer's Iliad into Italian.
He received his Ph.D. in 1856 from the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and began teaching school. The following year, he published his first collection of poems, Rime. These were difficult years for Carducci: his father died, and his brother committed suicide.
In 1859, he married Elvira Menicucci, and they had four children. He briefly taught Greek at a high school in Pistoia, and then was appointed Italian professor at the university in Bologna. He was a popular lecturer and a fierce critic of literature and society. His political views were consistently opposed to Christianity generally and the secular power of the Catholic Church in particular.
“I know neither truth of God nor peace with the Vatican or any priests. They are the real and unaltering enemies of Italy,” he said in his later years.[1]
This anti-clerical revolutionary zeal is prominently showcased in his most famous poem, the deliberately blasphemous and provocative "Inno a Satana" (or "Hymn to Satan".) The poem was composed in 1863 as a dinner party toast, published in 1865, then republished in 1869 by Bologna's radical newspaper, Il Popolo, as a provocation timed to coincide with the 20th Vatican Ecumenical Council, a time when revolutionary fervor directed against the papacy was running high as republicans pressed both politically and militarily for an end of the Vatican’s domination over the papal states.[2]
While "Inno a Satana" had quite a revolutionary impact, Carducci's finest poetry came in later years. His collections Rime Nuove (New Rhymes) and Odi Barbare (Barbarian Odes) contain his greatest works.[3]
He was the first Italian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1906. He was also elected a Senator of Italy.[4] Although his reputation rests primarily on his poetry, he also produced a large body of prose works[5]. Indeed, his prose writings, including literary criticism, biographies, speeches and essays, fill some 20 volumes.[6] Carducci was also an excellent translator and translated some of Goethe and Heine into Italian.
He died in Bologna at the age of 71.

10/09/2008, 00:25

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (December 30, 1865 – January 18, 1936) was an English author and poet, born in Bombay, British India, and best known for his works The Jungle Book (1894), The Second Jungle Book (1895), Just So Stories (1902), and Puck of Pook's Hill (1906); his novel, Kim (1901); his poems, including Mandalay (1890), Gunga Din (1890), If— (1910) and Ulster 1912 (1912); and his many short stories, including The Man Who Would Be King (188////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -/////////////// and the collections Life's Handicap (1891), The Day's Work (189////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -/////////////// and Plain Tales from the Hills (188////////////// الروابط الي بيحطوها الأعضاء بيقدر فقط الأعضاء يشوفوها ، اذا مصرّ تشوف الرابط بك تسجل يعني تصير عضو بأخوية سوريا بالأول -/////////////// He is regarded as a major "innovator in the art of the short story";[2] his children's books are enduring classics of children's literature; and his best works speak to a versatile and luminous narrative gift.[3][4] Kipling was one of the most popular writers in English, in both prose and verse, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.[2] The author Henry James famously said of him: "Kipling strikes me personally as the most complete man of genius (as distinct from fine intelligence) that I have ever known."[2] In 1907, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first English language writer to receive the prize, and he remains its youngest-ever recipient.[5] Among other honors, he was sounded out for the British Poet Laureateship and on several occasions for a knighthood, all of which he declined.[6]
However, later in life Kipling also came to be seen (in George Orwell's words) as a "prophet of British imperialism."[7] Many saw prejudice and militarism in his works,[8][9] and the resulting controversy about him continued for much of the 20th century.[10][11] According to critic Douglas Kerr: "He is still an author who can inspire passionate disagreement and his place in literary and cultural history is far from settled. But as the age of the European empires recedes, he is recognized as an incomparable, if controversial, interpreter of how empire was experienced. That, and an increasing recognition of his extraordinary narrative gifts, make him a force to be reckoned with."[12